Babies explore the surroundings by touching and tasting and gems or bacteria can easily end up in their mouth. Previous article, we already show you how to disinfect baby hands. This article we will learn how to sanitize baby toys and keep baby toys safe for your baby.
Is it safe to clean baby toys with clorox wipes
Yes. Clorox wipes are safe for babies and safe to use for cleaning baby toys.
The formula that Clorox wipes have can kill 99.99% of bacterias inside your baby’s toys. Clorox’s manageable sizes also mean that you can clean plastic-based children’s toys as you work on your projects.
Is it safe to clean baby toys with lysol wipes
Yes. As with the wipes’ Clorox counterpart, you can use Lysol wipes to clean up the dirt and messes on your baby’s toys.
Like Clorox wipes, Lysol is a powerful non-toxic wipe brand to clean up plastic toys. In particular, Lysol wipes are fantastic when you use them for children’s toys that are not battery-powered.
Lysol’s germ-free formula will keep the cleanliness of your baby’s toys even when they’re delicate. Furthermore, you can use Lysol Disinfecting Wipe to clean up your kids’ stuffed animals.
Is it safe to clean baby toys with bleach
Yes. Not only that the bleach solutions are the most inexpensive solutions for cleaning up your kids’ toys, but such solutions are also becoming safe choices for you.
When you dilute one cup of bleach to 1/4 cup of water, you will be able to wash away the pesky germs and bacterias in your baby’s toys.
For faster solutions, change the water source from a mere cup into something that fills the bathtub. Then, plunge in the baby toys. Use a separate bowl of water to rinse the toys thoroughly.
Is it safe to clean baby toys with alcohol
Yes. Even though many people doubt the safety of rubbing alcohol, using the appropriate mixture and tools when cleaning up baby toys with alcohol is, indeed, a safe action.
The alcohol’s disinfecting nature doesn’t only apply in rubbing alcohol. Instead, nature applies to every other alcohol substance. Such nature lets alcohol kill bacterias and viruses, both on the toys’ surfaces and the inner sides.
Alcohol-based solutions are always more robust when you pair them with baby-friendly soaps. Such things happen because soaps also have disinfecting natures in their ingredients.
Is it safe to clean baby toys with hydrogen peroxide
Yes, hydrogen peroxide is another germ-killer substance that you can safely use to clean baby toys. Moreover, if you’re lucky enough, you can obtain hydrogen peroxide at economical prices compared to other cleaning agents.
Sippy cups and plastic-based toys are some types of toys that hydrogen peroxide can clean. In cleaning up these two toys, hydrogen peroxide works by neutralizing the germs in the kids’ remaining saliva.
At some points, the 50/50 portion between hydrogen peroxide and water in a spray bottle can even clean up rubber or foam-based toys. This news is the pleasant one for you who want to clean up baby toys in non-harmful ways.
Is it safe to clean baby toys with milton
Yes, you can safely clean and sanitize baby toys with the Milton product.
Milton products are both environmentally friendly and have specializations in cleaning up other baby care products. Baby bottles, tethering rings, and small plastic toys (including but not limited to cooking simulation games).
The Milton Sterilizing Fluid is one of Milton products that you can use for toys that need specific care methods. Their reusable nature makes them decent alternatives for cleaning up baby toys.
Alternatively, use Milton Antibacterial Wipes. In particular, use these wipes if you’re in a hurry. The disinfecting nature the antibacterial wipes have won’t disappoint you in the long run.
Cleaning baby toys
This step is performed with hot water and soap. One of the most successful ways to clean plastic toys is with warm water and soap. If you have a dishwasher, you can easily wash a big quantity of little toys with the help of lingerie bags.
You can also get these lingerie bags in almost any size (medium/small preferably). Once you have your lingerie bags ready, put all of the little baby toys inside, and then run the dishwasher for 1 cycle. If you do not have a dishwasher, anyway, you can just fill up your sink with warm, soapy water.
Next, find a clean cloth or sponge to wipe down the toys. For any washable or plush toys, throw them in the washing machine with regular detergent. Plan to dry the plush toys for 2 full cycles.
You will want to make sure the inside is dry and does not become a breeding ground for viruses. Both techniques using water and soap should perform the trick in killing germs and support keep your baby fit.
How to wash baby toys in washing machine
You can directly plunge plushies and other washable baby toys in a washing machine and use a regular detergent in the cycle.
Yet, you should follow these steps for other toys, including plastic baby toys:
- Prepare a couple of small-to-medium-sized lingerie bags to contain the plastic baby toys.
- Put the entire toys inside the lingerie bags.
- Make sure the inside parts of your washing machine are dry and free of problems like molds.
- Fill in your washing machine’s tubs with warm water and liquid soap.
- Run one or two washing cycles.
- Use a clean cloth or sponge to dry the toys.
How to clean baby toys that cant be washed
Sometimes, baby toys are not easy to wash, even if you’ve used a high-tech washing machine. Follow these instructions for baby toys that are either challenging, non-porous, or just can’t get laundered:
- Wash your hands for at least 20-30 seconds using clear water and two or three teaspoons of antibacterial liquid hand soap.
- In a separate bowl, create a solution based on one bowl of warm water and liquid baby soap. Make sure the bowl can contain the entire baby toys.
- Plunge the toys inside the bowl.
- Air-dry the toys by exposing them to the sunlight for at least 5 minutes.
- Wipe the toys with a Clorox or Lysol disinfecting wipe.
- Use a clean cloth to continue drying the toys.
How to clean baby toys without chemicals
You can clean baby toys even if you don’t use any chemical ingredients. The step-by-step provided in the instructions below will help you in cleaning baby toys without chemicals:
- Plunge in all baby toys you want to clean in a large bowl.
- Prepare one cup of water and one cup of distilled white vinegar in a spraying bottle.
- Add a few drops of peppermint or chamomile essential oil to cut the odor coming from the vinegar solution.
- Take the baby toys from the bowl using your hands. Spray each one of them with the solution.
- Use a clean, dry cloth to wipe the sprays. Repeat this step until you’ve dried the entire baby toys.
By now, you see that there are always ways you can execute to clean baby toys. Even if you don’t use any chemicals or washing machines, you can maintain the cleanliness of the children’s toys.
Be sure to pay attention to the different characteristics each toy has. After all, the toys’ traits play a huge role in determining what cleaning methods you should use.
How to sanitize baby toys with vinegar
The best way to disinfecting your kid’s toys is by using a DIY home remedy like white vinegar. The ingredients you will require for this at home disinfects are as follows: tea tree oil, white vinegar, and lemon oil.
Get 1/2 a cup of white vinegar and a half cup of distilled water. Include a few drops of lemon oil and tea tree oil. Once you have a batch combined together, pour this into a spray jug and wipe down the toys you want to disinfect.
How to sanitize baby toys with bleach
In order to get rid of all germs, you will need to make a sanitize baby toy solution – combine 1 quart of water with 1 tablespoon of bleach combine. Then, moisten a paper towel with this combination and wipe down all of the toys.
Another substitute is just let them soak in the water + bleach solution in a sink or bathtub for approximately ten minutes. Ensure all the toys are rinsed fully afterward to make sure your kid is not in contact with any direct bleach.
How often should you sanitize your baby toys?
Now that we have described how to clean and sanitize baby toys, you may be wondering how often you should sanitize these baby toys. For day after day toys, such as travel baby toys, those that are forever in the diaper bag, or mouth toys, clean every week. For a few toys, even just an easy soak in a 50/50 combination of water and vinegar will perform the trick for regular cleaning. Forever clean the toys after your kid has been sick.
We also strongly recommend you to learn how to disinfect fabric sofa, how to disinfect pillows, how to sanitize fabric and how to sanitize kitchen to ensure you provide your baby the child care.