Is white grout hard to keep clean

This is a sequel to my previous work, “can you use magic eraser on tile grout?”. This article is more comprehensive as detailed information is provided to appropriately address questions like, Is white grout hard to keep clean?” and some other inquires surrounding grouts.

Grout defined

Is white grout hard to keep clean

Grout is used in construction to fill up gaps or crevices on walls or floors. It comprises composite materials which include; Sand, water, and cement. It can also provide reinforcement for existing buildings and is very effective for sealing joints.

Is white grout a bad idea

This is actually very interesting because after going through some commentary on the internet and a few conversations with some friends, I couldn’t actually come to a specific conclusion. This happened to be the case because there are different people with diverse opinions. So I took my time to look at the whole scenario from different perspectives to be able to come up with a reasonable conclusion.

Well, generally speaking, white grout is actually not a bad idea. The people who argued against using white grout were majorly concerned with cleaning. That’s a very valid point when you actually see things from their angle too. Grout is a depository and refugee camp for stains and dirt that could disfigure the classy aesthetic designs of the bathroom or kitchen.

To make things more difficult, grouts have a lot of hard-to-reach places, so cleaning has to be painstakingly done. But for me, this actually is not enough reason to condemn the use of white grout for others who prefer to use it because Magic cleaner and some other cleaning agents can do a great job effortlessly.

People who are in support of white grout also argued that, when a white grout is used in combination with white tiles, it makes their small bathroom look more bigger and spacious. And that when combined with white tiles they blend well together, so the line between tiles becomes more obscure thereby drawing attention away from the tiles.

Although white tiles can be paired with other grout colors like off-white, grey, or even darker grout colors and still produce the best results, they can also fade off easily and even create more stains. So if white grout is your top choice, you should go for it if you have a particular mood and appearance you want your bathroom or kitchen portray.

Check the other sections of this article for detailed information on how to clean white grout and I hope you find it helpful.

Does white grout get dirty

Yes, the white ground gets dirty. At first, the combination of white grout and white tiles will make your flooring look brighter, clean, and fresh. However, as time goes on, you will start to notice that the bright and clean look of your flooring is becoming dirty and dingy day by day. This is because accumulated dirt and dust on groups are more obvious on white grouts than any other color.

Why does white grout turn yellow

Two things are involved, it is either because of the type of tiles you combine with your grout or the type of grout you use.

Some types of tiles like white marble contain iron. These irons are prone to bleeding, and once they start to bleed, they bleed into your grout and cause them to oxidize. Once this happens, that is when the color of your grout changes from white to yellow.

Another reason why your white grout may change to yellow is because of white epoxy grout. When white epoxy grout is exposed to direct sunlight for a long time, it changes to yellow.

Why does white grout turn pink

The pinkish discoloration you are seeing on your white grout is actually not a stain but a strain caused by an airborne bacteria known as pink mold. The bacteria is also referred to as Serratia marcescent.

Why does white grout turn grey

If your white grout suddenly turns grey, you should know that it is not caused by external factors as it is in the case when they turn either pink or yellow. When they turn grey it is due to a lack of cleaning practice.

White grouts are the most prone to dirt and discoloration simply because they are light and are easy to get stained. When you leave these stains to accumulate on the grout, the color will start to change from white to either grey, black or brown.

Can White grout be stained darker

Yes, you can make a white grout darker. Although most people would choose to whiten their grouts it is also possible to darken in between the lines using a grout dye. Darkening your white-colored grout will make dirt on hard-to-reach areas of the grout during cleaning less conspicuous. When you darken your tile, you will be able to turn around fading surface (due to dirt) of your grout without having to replace them.

Is white grout hard to clean

Compared to other darker grout, white grout is considered to be more difficult to clean. Darker grouts can hide stains or dirt so even if they are dirty, you might not know (one of the reasons some people prefer using darker grout).

But white grout on the other hand shows even the smallest of stains. Therefore, white grout requires extra care and attention to maintain the classy, clean, and light look that is accustomed to an all-white designed bathroom or kitchen.

Should I use white grouts in floor tiles

If you’re the busy type that only has limited time for cleaning I would suggest that you opt for other grout colors. If you have a particular preference for white tiles, you can opt for other colors for your grout, and be rest assured, they are going to do an excellent job at complementing your white-colored tile.

But if you’re the type that could get someone to do the cleaning or you can do the cleaning perfectly, then you can use white grout. And besides, there are simple methods you can use to clean your white grout.

How do you know if grout is dirty

When you use other colors like grey, epoxy, off-white, and some other darker colors for your grout and tiles, it could be difficult for you to know when they are actually dirty and needs cleaning because they are very good at hiding dirt.

So if you want to know if your grout is dirty, all you need to do is to compare tiled places in your room or any section within your house you don’t frequent on a daily (space under your refrigerator or even under your bed) with a place like your you can’t do without visiting on the daily (the kitchen and the bathroom). After your comparison, you would discover that one is lighter compared to the other. This means the lighter one is clean while the darker one requires cleaning.

However, if you use white grout, you don’t need to stress yourself, you can tell if they are even with one eye closed.

Can white floor grout stay white

Yes, they can stay white if they are sealed or better still you can use epoxy grout as they are believed to be stain resistant. The third option is the hardest but also very effective, ensure you clean up your kitchen or bathroom after use. You can read more about how to sealing and epoxy grout for more information about them.

What will clean white grout

Trust me, when it comes to cleaning white grout stains, it is not an easy job to do. Apart from the fact that they are coarse and require intense scrubbing to get those stains out, it has a lot of hard-to-reach surfaces. Therefore, to clean white grout, you will need as many abrasive and non-abrasive cleaners as you can think of. You can make use of Vinegar, baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, liquid dish soap Oxiclean, steam cleaning, bleach-based cleaners like Clorox and you can as well paint on the stains to save you the stress.

Can you use bleach to clean white grout

Yes, you can use bleach-based cleaners to clean white grouts. The combination of bleach and warm water will work together to lift all stains you may have on your grouts.

Can you use white vinegar to clean grout

Yes, you can clean your white grout with white vinegar. White vinegar is chemical-free, hence it is one of the natural ways to get rid of stains from your white grout. To get the best out of white vinegar, use it in combination with lemon juice.

Can you use hydrogen peroxide to clean grout

Yes, you can use hydrogen peroxide to get rid of stains from your grout. Hydrogen is also a natural neutral cleaner that can be safely used to clean your white grout. To get the best out of hydrogen peroxide, combine it with baking soda to form oxygenated bleach.

Can you use toothpaste to clean grout

Yes, you can use toothpaste you remove stains from grouts. Toothpaste can do more than just get rid of stains from your teeth, it can also work wonders on your grout. Just dab non-gel toothpaste on the stained grouts and see how effectively it can work to get rid of stains from your grout.

Can you use a magic eraser to clean grout

Yes, you can clean grouts with a magic eraser. Magic eraser is one of the easiest cleaners you can use on your grout because you wouldn’t be needing a scrubber or brush or any other cleaner. All you have to do is activate the magic eraser’s scrubber and start scrubbing to clean.

Can you use toilet bowl cleaner to clean grout

Yes, you can use a toilet bowl cleaner to clean grouts. Toilet bowl cleaners can sure work wonders on your white grout. However, the best type of toilet bowl cleaner to use for grouts are the ones that contain sodium hypochlorite and sodium hydroxide.

Can you use a steamer to clean grout

Yes, you can steam clean a grout. No doubt, one of the best and most effective ways of cleaning grout is cleaning it with a steam cleaner. This is because steam cleaners can easily penetrate deep into the nooks and crannies of the grouts, and get rid of stains hiding in those tiny spaces.

Can you use a wire brush to clean grout

Yes, you can clean your grouts with a brush. One sure way to prevent dirt accumulation on grouts is by cleaning them frequently. One of the simplest ways of doing this is by cleaning it regularly with a wire brush and warm water.

How to clean white grout on floor

You can get your white grout cleaned by following these simple steps.

Ingredients; Water, baking soda, ammonia, and vinegar.

Get a bowl or bucket and fill up with 7 cups of water, half cup of baking soda, a quarter cup of vinegar, and 1/3 cup of ammonia.


  1. Soak your sponge into the solution or you can pour it into a spraying bottle for a more controlled application. Apply the solution on the grout and leave it to settle before you proceed to the next step.
  2. Scrub the grout with the dampened sponge or you can use a brush to scrub if you are applying the solution with a spray bottle.
  3. Rinse the cleaned surface with clean water and wipe it dry with a dry towel.

Note: Do not use vinegar as your routine cleaner as they are likened to an acidic substance which could have a damaging effect on your grout.

How to keep white floor grout clean

  • Vacuuming: Before you apply any cleaning substance to your grout, make sure you vacuum properly to avoid creating more mess from smeared mud (mud happens when you apply water to uncleaned surfaces) while cleaning.
  • Mopping: Mop clean the grout surface and the floor with a microfiber mop (you can use available one though). This will help clean dirt (sticky ones) that vacuuming cannot take care of.
  • Choice of cleaner: Ensure you use a pH-neutral cleaner. PH neutral cleaners are neither acidic nor alkaline. You should stay clear of acidic or alkaline cleaners like Vinegar and ammonia because they can cause residue buildups on the floor and attract more dirt. Plus they may have a damaging effect on your grout.
  • Seal: Ensure you seal your grout with a grout sealer after a thorough cleaning.

How to whiten grout on the floor

After some thorough cleaning, you should have sparkling white grout. But when it comes to “Whiten” you might have to go a little extra.

All you need for this process are; Polybleblend Grout Relinen All in one colorant & sealer, a brush (it could be a toothbrush or a small-sized pairing brush)

Once you have your material ready, you are good to go! All you need it to trace the grout line and apply Polybleblend grout Relinen with the brush. Although Polybleblend is stain resistant but it is advisable that you seal your grout once they dry.

Note: This can only be done after thoroughly cleaning your kitchen or bathroom. And it is extremely tedious and time-consuming.

How to clean white grout in the shower naturally

To clean your white grout the natural way, make use of lemon juice or vinegar. Check below for details.

Cleaning with lemon juice

  1. Pour lemon juice on the grout to get it saturated.
  2. Leave it to sit on it for about 15 minutes.
  3. Scrub with an old brush until the stains are completely lifted.
  4. Rinse of lifted stains and dry afterward with a rag or dry towel.

You can also combine vinegar, ammonia, and baking soda for older white grout stains. Check the previous section in this article where I discussed “how to clean white grout on the floor” for details.

How to remove urine stains from white grout

To remove urine stains from white grout follow the simple steps below.

  1. Make a solution from the mixtures of 2 gallons of water and a tablespoon of bleach.
  2. Saturate the stained spot with the solution and leave it to sit for about 5 minutes.
  3. Scrub with an old brush or a soft nylon brush until the stain is completely lifted.
  4. Rinse off lifted stains afterward and dry with a towel or rag.

White grout cleaning FAQs

How hard is it to keep white grout clean?

On a scale of 1 to 10, I will give it 6. As long as you maintain good maintenance culture, it shouldn’t be too hard to keep white grouts clean. Make sure to seal your white grout and replace them anytime they strip off.

Is white tile a bad idea for a kitchen backsplash?

No, white tile is not a bad idea for a kitchen backsplash. When choosing the perfect tile color for the kitchen backsplash, white is one of the popular choices and this is because they can be combined with every other color. However, the only situation where white tile can be a bad idea is when you are the type that doesn’t clean.

How to keep white grout from staining

The best way to keep your white grout from staining is to have it sealed, then clean it regularly with soap, water, and a gentle brush. This will prevent your grout from accumulating dirt.

Are you curious to learn how to remove hair dye stains from sink, how to remove harpic stains from stainless steel sink or how to clean fiberglass bathtub with oven cleaner too?

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