Those blue stains inside your toilet bowl aren’t the doings of a family member. High levels of copper are the culprit behind these ugly stains. Thankfully, the process of how to remove blue stains from the toilet bowl is easier and simpler than you think.
What causes blue green stains in toilet bowls
Blue-green and blue stains in toilet bowls are the result of cooper. The acidic water can leech copper from the pipes and deposit the chemical at the drain openings on top of the toilet bowl. These stains can grow bigger and more serious over time when left untreated.
How to remove blue green stains in toilet bowls
You just need to follow very simple steps to remove blue-green stains in toilet bowls:
- Keep the room ventilated and put on your gloves before cleaning.
- Mix one cup of water and one cup of ammonia.
- Use the solution to scrub the stained spot.
- Once the stain is removed, rinse off the area and flush your toilet.
Can coca cola remove blue green stains on the toilet bowl
You might not believe it but yes, you can grab a coca-cola from the fridge and use it to remove the pesky blue-green stains on your toilet bowl. Coke is surprisingly a very effective stain remover and toilet bowl cleaner. You will need one liter of coke for this process.
How to use coca cola to remove blue green stains from toilet bowl
- Get a bottle of coca cola or other soda and pour this over inside the toilet bowl while making sure that you thoroughly cover all the stained spots.
- Let it sit for around 30 minutes.
- Get the toilet brush and scrub off the stains gently.
- Rinse and flush your like-new stain-free toilet bowl.
Can you use salt and vinegar to remove blue green stains on the toilet bowl
Yes, salt and vinegar solutions can work almost like magic when it comes to removing blue-green stains. This is the most preferred option as it is simple and easy to do. All you need is 3 cups table salt and 3 cups distilled vinegar.
How to use salt and vinegar solution to remove blue green stains from toilet bowl
- Pour 3 cups distilled white vinegar in the toilet bowl. Make sure that it touches every spot within the bowl, particularly the areas with the stains.
- Spread or sprinkle 3 cups of salt on top of the vinegar and ensure that it will stick to the wet surface. Again, be sure that you extensively cover every part of the blue green stain.
- Let the mixture soak inside the bowl for 30 minutes. If possible, however, it might be best to leave it overnight.
- Get a hard-bristled toilet brush ten use it to give your toilet some good scrubbing. Focus on rubbing the vinegar and salt against the blue green stain vigorously.
- You can now flush the toilet to rinse it. Check the bowl to see if there are still lingering copper stains. You can repeat the whole process if necessary.
Can you use tea tree oil and lemon juice to remove blue green stains on the toilet bowl
Lemon juice can serve as an excellent toilet bowl stain remover with bleaching and antibacterial properties. Once combined with lemon juice, tea tree oil can be a good alternative to using harsh chemicals such as bleach for removing blue-green stains. This can also make your bathroom smell fresh and clean. You just need a cup of an undiluted form of lemon juice and 10 to 15 tea tree oil drops.
How to use tea tree oil and lemon juice to remove blue green stains from toilet bowl
- Squeeze about six lemons or grab some of the regular undiluted lemon juice that you can buy from the local supermarket and put it in a cup.
- Add 10 to 15 tea tree oil drops to the lemon juice.
- Transfer the solution to a spray bottle.
- Spray extensively the whole toilet bowl and focus more on the stained spots.
- Let the solution soak for approximately 15 minutes.
- Get the brush and use it to vigorously scrub the spots for around 5 minutes.
- Flush the toilet to rinse and check it again.
- If there are still lingering stains, repeat the process as needed.
Can you use vinegar and baking soda to remove blue green stains on the toilet bowl
If the gentler methods above were not that successful or effective when it comes to removing those ugly blue-green stains from the toilet bowl, vinegar and baking soda can be used for your second cleaning session. These classic ingredients for fighting off stains can get rid of those blue-green stains before you even know it. You simply need 1 ½ cup baking soda and 3 cups of distilled white vinegar for this process.
How to use vinegar and baking soda to remove blue green stains from toilet bowl
- Start the process by covering the entire toilet bowl with three cups distilled vinegar.
- Sprinkle baking soda on top of the vinegar then let the paste sit for several minutes so it can work its magic on the stains.
- Grab a hard-bristled toilet brush and vigorously scrub at the stains.
- You are done once the stains are successfully removed from the toilet bowl.
- Flush then rinse your toilet bowl to complete the process.
How to use borax to remove blue green stains from toilet bowl
If all the steps above failed to work, borax might be the answer to your problem.
- Take a half cup of borax powder then pour this all over the toilet bowl.
- Let it sit for 30 minutes or overnight.
- At this point, many if not all of the stains must be gone.
- If not, get a toilet brush and scrub off any remaining stains.
- Flush the toilet bowl to rinse.
Maryon Stewart is the founder of Women’s Nutritional Advisory Service ( started since 1998 ). 21 years of clinical experience on tens of thousands of patients. Apart from helping women on an individual basis either in her clinics in London and Sussex, or via our postal and telephone consultation service, she actively involved in the fields of health education and research. Maryon Stewart also is the author of a number of best selling books and has worked extensively on radio and television as well as writing for national daily newspapers and magazines. Through the health campaigns she has orchestrated, she has liberated tens of thousands of women suffering with the symptoms of PMS, menopause and IBS.